Umbilical cord stem cell therapy uses these cells from blood or tissue extracted from the cord shortly after delivery. For tissue repair and regeneration, growth factors from the stem cells found in umbilical cord blood are the type of cells required. You can use the therapy to help stimulate healing and repair following an injury or surgery. Here’s what the therapy involves, including how it’s done and its potential benefits:
Umbilical Cord Stem Cells
Stem cells are non-specific cells that can differentiate into more specific cells, such as cartilage. These cells are rich in mesenchymal and hematopoietic cells that can differentiate into bone, cartilage, muscle, blood, and immune cells. Since the umbilical cord is usually discarded after birth, it does not harm the child or mother to take the stem cells immediately after childbirth.
Before the cells are obtained, the donor undergoes full testing for infectious diseases and other issues. Extracted cells and exosomes are then purified and used in stem cell therapy to improve various conditions. The therapy can potentially improve degenerative conditions, tissue damage, and blood disorders. Stem cells adapt quickly to the body and soon begin communicating with other cells. The signaling can enhance natural healing, improve metabolic disorders, and reinforce the immune system.
How the Therapy Is Done
Umbilical cord therapy involves collecting stem cells, processing and storing them, and administration. After safely clipping the cord after the child is born and not absorbing blood through it, the cord is transferred to a sterilized space where any blood left within it is obtained. The excess stem cells extracted from the umbilical cord aren’t needed by the child.
Blood obtained from the cord is tested for contamination and processed to separate the stem cells from the plasma and red blood cells. The mononucleated cells then undergo processing and cryopreservation for future use. During therapy, the cryopreserved stem cells enter the target cells via intravenous infusion or injection. A doctor can recommend one or more sessions depending on the extent of an injury and response to the therapy.
Advantages and Potential Benefits
Umbilical cord stem cell therapies have many potential therapeutic benefits, including cellular regeneration, immune modulation, and improvement of blood disorders. Because stem cells can change into whatever type the body needs, the same cells used in cartilage restoration can also help repair damaged tissue and organs. Stem cells may also potentially improve leukemia, lymphoma, and sickle cell anemia. Other potential benefits include reducing inflammation and managing autoimmune diseases.
Stem cells from the umbilical cord differentiate into various cells and move to the targeted area once injected. Since stem cells naturally adapt to the body, they shouldn’t cause any adverse reaction. These stem cells contain cytokines, hyaluronic acid, growth factors, anti-microbial agents, and other additional natural compounds and stem cell activators.
Get Started With Stem Cell Therapy Today
Using stem cells to aid healing, immune system modulation, and addressing neurological and degenerative diseases is under active research. You can speak to a regenerative medicine specialist to find out if you’re a good candidate for such therapies. Contact an experienced clinic today to learn more about stem cell therapy.